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Music and Entertainment Management

Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach,

"Sherri has tremendous wisdom and insight but also approaches coaching in a very practical, straight-forward way which I found very helpful and refreshing. Her results oriented approach was invaluable! Thanks, Sherri!"

                        --- Nashville Music Producer


"I met Sherri through one of the major country music award shows while touring with Keith Urban. Once I connected with her, I had a quick sense that she could give me valuable insights and direction to areas I wanted to explore in my life."       

                    --- Music Industry Management

​"Writers, artists and those behind the scenes will benefit from her ideas. I know I did!"                                                                                               --- Country Music Manager

 Nashville Life Coach,  Nashville Life Coach,

​Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach,

​Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach,


  • Risk Management
  • The Culture of Your Company
  • Executive Well-being

Risk Management:

Your artist is not meeting expectations and the investment you’ve made – time, money, resources – is in jeopardy. You need help now. Here are just a few of the issues that an artist often experiences:

A promising talent chokes in the recording studio

Creatively empty – unable to produce material to meet deadlines

His personal life is interfering with professional and creative responsibilities - here’s one thing I see often: as an artist gains traction, especially one from a disadvantaged background, the people in his life feel like they’re going to be left behind, they want to ride this fame train, and they start to hold on tight. The artist feels guilty, and starts to succumb to unrealistic demands: time, money, etc. This leaves your artist drained and unable to deliver.

He thought this would make him happy – a record deal, a hit song, a tour – but success has brought a chilling sense of isolation, confusion.

He feels like there’s two of him: who he was and this new one-dimensional star people respond to.

The exhaustion of a grueling schedule… suddenly you’re seeing the signs of drug and alcohol abuse or other types of destructive behavior.

If any of the above issues are at play, your enormous investment is seriously at risk.

The Culture of Your Company:

You have the opportunity to create a company that is a magnet for creative people.

What is your company’s mission statement?

How is that mission statement being communicated and implemented from the top down?

What is the consciousness, culture and health of your company?

Are you known for leading with focus, efficiency and compassion?

Does the culture allow for creativity and original problem solving?

Does the culture encourage or allow for a life outside business so executives and artists can avoid burn out?

Executive Well-Being:

Create a new paradigm for supporting your artists without draining yourself.

Create a balanced, thriving life outside of the business so your can return to work fresh and creative.

As a certified life coach with eight years serving the entertainment industry, I assist my clients in creating balanced, centered lives so they can thrive creatively, and succeed while engaged in the challenges of the music business, fame and celebrity.

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