Sherri Ziff Life Coach
Center Your Celebrity
“Being famous is not what it looks like on Entertainment Tonight…. It hits you like a tidal wave and unless you can navigate that ocean, you will drown.”
-- Sherri Ziff, New York Times,
“I’d Like To Thank My Coach”
“My worry is to get lost in the shuffle of superstardom and not make an impact as a human being...
There’s so much that goes on, it’s easy to lose your grounding.”
-- Carmit Maile of the Pussy Cat Dolls, New York Times, "I'd Like to Thank My Coach"

“Center Your Celebrity” life coaching program facilitates living a balanced, centered life while living in the spotlight. With complete confidentiality, Entertainment Industry Life Coach Sherri Ziff will reconnect you with your soul, design a life plan that supports your success and tackles the challenging issues that surround fame and celebrity, and jumpstarts your creativity. Entertainment Industry Life Coach
You're thinking:
- "I want a meaningful inner life that belongs to me, not my fans."
- "I’ve spent so much time inviting media attention, now that I have it, I want my privacy back."
- "Help!!! I love my work, my art, but I don’t want it to be my WHOLE life!!!"
- "Is this it?"
- "Wasn’t all this supposed to make me happy?"
- "On the outside, it looks like I have everything. On the inside, I feel empty."
- "I can’t handle suddenly being recognized wherever I go."
- "What's next?"
- “I’ve lost touch with my soul in the process. How do I get it back?”
- “I feel like a fraud, an imposter.”
- “I’m burnt out.”
- “I’m out of control.”
- “I’ve lost my creativity and feel like an imitation of my old self.”
- “I can’t stand the pressure of how I’m supposed to look.”
- “I feel like a 'product' not a person.”
- “I’ve been on this treadmill of success for so long and I’m afraid if I get off, I’ll never be able to get back on.”
“I want to reinvent myself.”
Reclaim your inner self ~ Replace the chaos with calm ~ Use your celebrity to achieve your dreams rather than be used by it ~ Take your creativity to the next level ~ We will design a balanced, peaceful, vibrant, energized life that supports your success, magnifies your brilliance, and inspires you to passionately do what you were put on Earth to do.
"Basically what I’m saying is, I get it: the pressures being famous and the toll it takes on your soul. As a friend and as a colleague, I have witnessed firsthand the joys and pitfalls of international celebrity and overnight stardom. I’ve been intimately familiar with this world all my life and I offer support from the perspective of an insider."
~ Sherri Ziff
Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach,
Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach,