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Why a life coach?


And you want a life coach because...

As Albert Einstein said, “You can never solve a problem on the same level it was created.”  With a fresh perspective, you can go places you simply cannot on your own.

You’ve got stuff to finish. Hey! Get it done already!!! The book, the screenplay, the non-profit project, the new business, the great body, the crazy thing you’ve always wanted to do. How would you feel if you finally got it done?  Yes, and maybe even better than that!

Oy!!! The creativity blocks: procrastination, overwhelm, fear of success, fear of failure, any fear that stops you, feelings of unworthiness, difficulty finishing. Should I say “difficulty finishing” again??? Get Unstuck. How much longer are you going to let these obstacles stand in the way of your brilliance?

You want to partake in the magnificence of life in the deepest, greatest, widest way, because you want to taste every adventure, rejoice in every detail, sing, dance, laugh, play, get happy.

The Hebrew letters mean “Tikkun Olam,” heal the world. This Jewish belief means everyone of us has a unique mission and a unique responsibility to leave the world a better place then he found it. But you know that. You know you have something amazing to contribute, you have a huge vision and you are driven to make an impact. If not now, when? It’s your time.

Life is so noisy, and you ache to hear the sound of your soul. You want to be your truest self, you want to invite the divine, connect to your intuition, be guided by your spirit.

Hmmm, maybe nothing’s really wrong, but where’s the zing? No energy, you’re bored, and maybe boring. Have more fun.

Because you’re ready to raise the bar, be better, do better, and you’re not willing to wait any longer.

Why Sherri?


Because my life purpose is to help you live the highest version of your life right now, and to bring your creative expression to the world. 

Because I will expand your definition of your potential and I will champion that potential to fruition.

Because having been a successful TV writer, as well as having an industry-focused career that includes working at studios, in development, in public relations and talent agencies, and assisting producing sitcoms --  I have an intimate understanding of the unique challenges of this business.

Because as a creative spirit – a writer, a poet, an artist – I get it. The flood of divinely inspired ideas and the challenge to focus, prioritize, eliminate distractions (even when those distraction are more ideas) in order to bring art, music, your goals to completion.


Because from the depths of my soul, I know I have a divine mission, I want to “Rock The World,” leave my mark on planet Earth big time, use my gifts to make a big difference, and I believe you do, too. Do you? Are you?

Because working with me is a daring adventure. We’ll create outrageous and fun experiences that will jumpstart your dream, bring to light new insights and solutions, and stretch the limits of what you thought possible. You will engage in deep contemplation, embrace and develop your intuition and spirituality, and you will execute well thought-out action steps that will take you where you want to go.


As a certified coach, trained at one of the world’s most renown coach training institutes, I have the skills and tools to facilitate you in illuminating your imagination, blowing open your creativity, and getting excited about your life.

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